


Sattva Yoga Bali is an international team of health practitioners and yoga instructors living in Bali. We combine our passions and skillsets to deliver authentic Yoga Teacher Trainings.  We are passionate about what we do and we gain immense joy from sharing our knowledge and the Balinese culture with our guests. We LOVE Bali and we LOVE yoga! We are continuously filled with gratitude for the deep connections we make with people from all around the globe. It is in these heart connections that we gain the greatest joy.


Yoga is possible for anybody who has a desire to learn. It is so much more than being able to put your feet behind your head or standing on your hands. Being “good” at yoga has little to do with how flexible you are. It also has little to do with weather or not you can “master” complicated postures now, later, or even ever! Yoga is about waking up to who we really are, to our divine, infinite nature.

Yoga is an inner journey with a potential to create positive healing. It helps us reconnect to the essence of who we really are, and teaches us to cultivate a compassionate relationship to ourselves and others. The physical postures are opportunities to slow down, listen, and connect to the inner being. Yoga is a space for you to feel the sensations of the physical body, and observe the habits, tendencies, and thoughts that arise. The heart of the yoga practice moves us into present moment awareness and creates the space for honest self inquiry. it challenges who and what we think we are, and what we think we are capable of.

We strive to teach the authentic heart of yoga and we hope to inspire teachers who will carry on this message. Yoga is healing, yoga is a path that helps us to remember who we are and cultivate a more Sattvic or peaceful state of mind. And yes, it just so happens that along the way you will gain health, vitality, strength and flexibility. So even if you come to yoga just for the amazing physical benefits, this is enough, yoga is happening anyway!

“Yoga should support our life and not be another demand that we put on ourselves. Our practice should cultivate inquiry, sensitivity, and kindness to ourselves” Maty Ezraty

About the Founder

Hi, my name is Nicole, I am the founder of Sattva Yoga Bali. I have had the good fortune of spending fifteen years of my life living in the beautiful islands of Indonesia.  My journey in Indonesia started when I left California to join my partner living aboard a surf charter boat in the Mentawai islands in Sumatra. I did this for six years, raising our son on a boat until he was five years old and then made the decision to move to Bali to follow my calling of teaching yoga and Ayurveda. Post COVID, I now spend part time living in Northern California where my son is attending high school and part time in Bali which is my spiritual home and where my heart feels the most alive. The path of following the heart has been full of ups and down's, yet it is in these challenges and fortunes that I have learned the greatest lessons and wisdom. 

I am a believer in following what you love, what excites you and makes you feel alive. For me, I feel the most alive sharing my knowledge with others, teaching from my heart, connecting deeply with others and conversing about the nature of consciousness and life itself. I love travel, foreign languages, and distant lands. I have always been fascinated by the human body,  I am a life long student at heart and I find solace in learning from and deepening my connection to Self. I am inspired by ancient healing modalities, shamanism, plant medicine, and music. I love to be in nature, I love surfing fun, glassy, left hand waves on a longboard in warm, tropical water, I love snowboarding and writing but most importantly, I am a single mamma to a beautiful boy named Eli.  I feel so blessed to be able to share my life with people from all over the world and I hope to inspire others to live their lives following the quiet whispers guiding them from within. Yoga is an inner journey of self discovery and I am honored and I feel privileged that my dharma lies in guiding others on their own inner journey.